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Asphalt Storage & Pumping

Kinetrol on Asphalt ValveA Midwest asphalt manufacturer purchased Kinetrol actuators for use at two of their plants as a trial for possible standardization. This asphalt producer owns 7 asphalt mix plants and has been plagued with failing rack and pinion actuators. They're used to open and close their liquid asphalt valves (Homestead plug valves). The service is extremely nasty, as the asphalt is hot, sticky and gets everywhere.  The Kinetrol actuators were installed on 3” Homestead liquid asphalt plug valves with extended brackets and couplings to prevent the actuators from seeing over-temperatures. The valves are cycled 10 times per day. Since the summer of 2014 they have installed 5 Kinetrol actuators and all are working without problems. The initial results are so positive the customer plans to standardize on Kinetrol Vane Actuators, and replace the rack and pinion actuators as they fail.

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