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Scrubber Bottom Drain Valve

Scrubber Bottom Hog fuel boilers are wood-fired boilers used predominantly in paper mills, sawmills, and wood processing plants. The term “hog fuel” refers to the wide variety of wood and wood wastes used to feed the boilers (called hogged fuel). Hog fuel contains wood residue, wood waste products, bark, sawdust, planer shavings, and wood chunks that are processed into coarse chips and clumps.

The ash from burning wood and wood wastes has a very high pH, high enough to make the wood ash exhibit a corrosive characteristic, which must be considered when selecting valves and actuators. All equipment in contact, or in close proximity, to this ash must stand up to the wet, corrosive, and dirty environment.

A Kinetrol USA Western Region Distributor retrofitted a boiler exhaust stack, scrubber bottom drain valve to meet this challenging requirement. The model 09 Kinetrol actuator and an AP Positioner operates in filthy conditions to maintain a water seal, and release excess water slurry by throttling a butterfly valve.

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